Celebrating 200+ subs with a 2D animation
A few month back, we hit 200 subscribers on my Youtube Channel Tania Rosas Designs woohooooo 🎉 I was (and still am) absolutely over the moon to see how our small community of creators continues to grow, we are at 260 now! I felt compelled and motivated to create an animation in return to show my appreciation.
I began to brainstorm ideas, all I knew was that I wanted whatever subject I animated to transform into a 2 at the end. I came up with these two concepts: 1. a Shai-Hulud (the massive worms from the movie Dune that had just premiered) and 2. a Rearing horse.
Via a community poll, I asked for your input. And your votes decided... well, it was 50/50, so you let me choose the animation but I didn't make it easy on myself.
I had never animated a 4-legged creature before, so I felt that was a good opportunity and a challenge matching the gratitude levels I was feeling, to animate a horse. In addition, I wanted it to be a proper short story which also, I had never done before. And oh boy, was I right about it being a challenge!
Animating "The Bee meets Cinnamon" took me 1 injured arm, 3 animation software and 4 months to complete. I ended up animating it in Krita which required a learning curve as I hadn't used the software before. The animation is made up 450 frames for more than 60 layers. This means I drew about 27,000 images to create this short animation.
Once the animation was completed, I needed to elevate it with sound effects and music which I got from Envato Elements and incorporated them with Premiere Pro. The power of sound is really crucial in making animations pop and become more believable. I'll be making a more detailed video on how I created this animation, so stay tuned by subscribing to my Youtube Channel Tania Rosas Designs.
All of these obstacles and challenges made me appreciate the final result even more, so I chose to share the beautiful moment via a premiere and we watched it together on Friday 25th at 3pm (GMT+1).
For those that couldn't make it, here it is for you to enjoy!
No animals were injured in the making of this short story 😇
I hope you’ve enjoyed “The Bee meets Cinnamon”! 🐴🐝 Thank you so much for your support this far. It means the world to me when you subscribe to my channel, like and comment on my videos and engage with my content in any other way 💜
I look forward to creating more fun videos and trying out new ways for us to connect and spark Fearless Creativity!