New Sunglasses Case DIY Kit & Sewing Pattern
Do you enjoy creative sewing projects? If that's you, then I have some amazing news for you!
If you have been following me for a while, you know, I like to encourage others to be more creative. I do this by sharing my process and tutorials on my Youtube Channel and my blog.
Exciting News
What's new is that now at Tania Rosas Designs Sewing Pattern and DIY Kit are available for download so you can recreate my designs at home! 🎉 The first DIY Kit and sewing pattern available is to make the sparkly cork leather sunglasses case. This is an easy project to follow and most of you will have use for it with either glasses or sunglasses.
If DIY Kits and sewing patterns are something that you and others enjoy, I'd be delighted to create more of these. If you like to share your feedback you can do this via the comments of this blog post or send me a message directly.
How it works
All DIY Kit and sewing patterns are available here. Choose your favourite sewing project and purchase the DIY Kit or sewing pattern via my website, whichever is most suitable to you.
When you purchase the DIY Kit, I will send you the materials, the pattern along with a link to the video tutorial. Usually, you need some basic sewing tools, like a pair of scissors and a sewing machine. Check the product description where you will see exactly what is needed for the respective project.
When you purchased a digital sewing pattern, you will see a download link at the checkout confirmation page and also you will receive an email with the download link. Make sure you check your spam folder if you don't receive the email within a few minutes.
The download link will take you to a .zip folder that contains the relevant content for the pattern you purchased. For the sunglasses case sewing pattern, you will receive:
- A printable PDF of the sunglasses cases pattern
- The instructions on how to print the pattern correctly with links to 2 video tutorials showing you:
- How to print the pattern
- How to make a sunglasses case in 5 easy steps
I have a lot of materials in my workshop, so when I choose creative projects I like to do those that I can do with my existing materials and equipment. If you are like that, all you need is a digital sewing pattern. But not to worry, if you don't have the materials, you can get the DIY Kit which comes with the essentials.
In the "materials" tab on the product page of sewing patterns or DIY Kits, you can see a list of the required materials for your project so that you don't have any surprises. Below is an extract of the sunglasses case sewing pattern (See full list). All sewing patterns are for personal use only.
I hope you give the sewing project a go and have fun being creative! If you do, please tag me on Instagram or Youtube @taniarosasdesigns as I'd love to see your creations.