Anniversary Celebrations & Promotions
Whoop whoop, Tania Rosas Designs is celebrating 1 year anniversary and you are invited to join the celebrations!
VIP sign-up is now closed but you can still sign up with the form below to the mailing list to get 20% off all products along with the "Earth passport" and "Traveller Ella" sticker. See the details here.
The website www.taniarosasdesigns.com has been live for about 1 year now, since 27th August 2020. I cannot believe only 1 year has passed, it feels so much longer!
Over this time, I've been identifying areas of improvements, gathering feedback and discovering what it is I want to say with my art. So I rolled up my sleeves and upgraded the website to first class.
The highlights are:
- A new more cohesive and meaningful theme "Travel through art"
- A new website look and feel
- And, because I am nerdy, awesome new tech features too
Dive into the details of these changes below or jump straight to the celebration and promotion details here.
The new theme of Tania Rosas Designs is "Travel through art". Deep in my heart, there are 2 main goals I want to achieve with my designs:
- Awaken awareness and cultural curiosity and
- Guide people in a quest to unleash their inner artist.
Having grown up in various countries plus the fact that I love travelling, has giving me the opportunity to experience many cultures in the world. I strongly believe that your heart and soul expands when you travel because it humbles you. It challenges everything you considered "normal". I want for you to experience this through my art.
At the same time, growing up multiculturally comes with its price. A big one, is the sense of (not-) belonging. Family and friends are left behind in pursue for a better life and even when integrated in a new country you don't seem to belong neither here nor there. I want multicultural people to feel they have a place in the world and that all their cultural elements are beautiful.
To achieve this goal, you will travel the world through my art designed to:
- Celebrate the beauties of cultures around the world via the collection "Beauties & Wonders" and
- Showcase multicultural identities via the collection "MicroCosm Flavours"
All cultural art can be found under "Cultural Adventure".
Only in my mid-thirties, did I allow my inner artist to come out to play. While I cherish all the experiences I gained over the years outside of the creative field, I could not be happier now experiencing life as an artist.
If you feel trapped in a profession or life that doesn't fulfil you and you miss a creative outlet, I will be honoured to guide you on your quest to discover your inner artist.
My imaginative, quirky and joyful art, I have grouped under "Imagination Jungle". It will serve to encourage creativity and self-love with the intention to provide you with the right mindset.
In addition, to help you gain confidence in your skills, I will continue to share my arts and crafts tips and tricks via:
To strengthen the theme's message of traveling through art, you will notice fun play on words related to airports and traveling in general. I hope this puts a smile on your face.
Product Focus Change
The art designs have always been the life energy that flows into all of my products, therefore my art takes the center stage on the website.
I will continue to create clothing, stationery, bags & accessories though focused on making these your perfect travel companions. Whether you are flying to an exotic destination, going on a hike or for a walk on the beach, the travel companions will be there to make your journey more joyful and colourful!
20% Discount
To celebrate the 1 year Anniversary there will be a 20% off all products from 11-12th September 2021. This is only available to members subscribed to my mailing list.
Bonus: "Earth Passport" & "Traveller Ella" Sticker
To continue with the travel theme, I have created a new Travel Sticker Booklet "Earth Passport". This sticker booklet is your passport to the world of art in Tania Rosas Designs. You will receive 1 free "Earth Passport" with your first purchase.
The stickers represent the travel visas and stamps that you receive when travelling through the Tania Rosas Designs art. With any purchase, you'll get 1 free sticker. Start collecting all cultural and imaginative art destinations with your Earth Passport today!
Exclusive to the 1year anniversary promotion, I have created the limited edition "Traveller Ella" sticker which you can avail of when you make a purchase by 12th September 2021.
Reminisce on how it all began 1 year ago with this short video. Enjoy!